Saturday, June 21, 2014

MTC Week 1: The Spirit is so Strong, Work and be perfectly Obedient, The Lords hand is noticed in everything we do, Have Faith

Hola Mi Familia!!

Well the MTC is sooo fun!! It is alot of studying and class but I kinda like it! :) Spanish is hard but we have already learned to pray in Spanish and share our testimony, and me and my companion have already taught a lady in Spanish who we were told is an investigator, but either way it was so fun! We actually knew enough to communicate and understand a little. But that is because the Lord has blessed us. 

My companion is Elder Eliason and he is way cool. He is a hard worker and super fun to be around. Our goal is to work work work and be perfectly obedient. 

My P-day is Saturday and  that is the only time I can write or email but I can get and read my hand written letters the day they get here. We went to the Temple today and did a session and it was a cool experience. The Provo Temple is gorgeous!!! 

I am not on the main MTC campus.  I am on the West campus and it is right across the street from the BYU football stadium,  but I like being over here because it seems more chill than the main campus. It is also cool because everyone on West campus is speaking Spanish, so we all get to help each other.  My zone and district is super cool and we are all going to Argentina! My companion and my district is all going to Salta or Buenos Aires so that is pretty neat.

The Spirit is so strong here and I am loving every minute of it. It is hard but I just have to remember to look at the name on my badge and remember why i am here. And I'm not talking about my name, haha. This is such a humbling experience because the Lords hand is noticed in everything we do. He blesses us even when we don't deserve it. 

The food... no comment. It's kinda depressing because everyone says don't drink the orange juice and orange juice is the bomb!! But they have a whole bunch of other juice and I can drink as much as I want and not have Mom say "Kasey why did you drink all the juice?!!" haha.  

My Branch President is a super awesome guy and he is very strict and I like that. It is tough because my district and I are all in one class, and when we are studying for hours at a time they kinda lose focus and it kinda bothers me because we need to be working, and when I tell my companion to get back to work he will, but the others don't listen as well, but its their choice. 

We had to write a talk in Spanish and every Sunday they choose two random people to share it, so I hope I get picked because that would be cool!! It's weird because I hate speaking to others and getting up in front of people to talk, but I actually want to now. Weird huh? 

Momma could you please forward this email and all my emails to Juli please!:) And I will email pictures next Saturday so be patient with me, haha. I don't like taking pictures but I will do my best, I promise. 

Well I think that's it for now, but I'm sure I will have some more fun stuff to share next week but I love and miss you all and am praying for you all. One thing I learned over these past couple days is HAVE FAITH. We all know we need to have faith, but if we let all our worries and struggles go and give them to the Lord, He will bless us and strengthen us, and it is an amazing feeling. The Spirit is something we need every minute of everyday and we should do all we can to be worthy to have it.


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