Monday, August 4, 2014

Argentina Week 1: 1st Area: Tucuman in a city called Alderetes, Baptism of Cecilia, Faith, Patience and Making a Difference for that One

Well this week has been crazy and I don’t have a lot of time to write so I gotta type fast haha.

So we got into Salta Monday night. All the plane rides were not fun but I guess that’s ok. The first night we ate at President Chaparro’s house and had some delicious meat. I’m not sure what it was, haha but it was good haha, and we had some other stuff. The next day we had interviews and meetings in the mission home and met our new companions and we had empanadas! Holy smokes those were amazing!!! My companion is Elder Hermansen. He is from Sandy Utah and he is a very cool guy and a good Missionary.

I am in Tucuman in a city called Alderetes. So before I left on the Mission I said I wanted my first area to be super ghetto and have to shower in a bucket. Well I got exactly that except for the shower part haha. We have a shower and we also have a biday. Ya the biday is weird. 

This area is super poor. All the people here live in one room houses made out of cinder blocks. It is really sad to see how some people have to live and it is very humbling. Tucuman is known for people getting robbed haha, and today we went shopping and Elder Burr, the older Elder in our pension, almost got robbed haha so I will be careful. I don’t carry my wallet with me. I just carry 50 pesos on me if we need a taxi or a bus. We walk mostly though.

We eat lunch everyday with members. I eat a lot of rice and meat and a lot of soda. I have been staying away from soda for a while but here the soda is more common than water so everybody has soda.

Today we went to a sandwich place for lunch called Dogsy and it was really good. I had like a steak sandwich with a bunch of stuff on it and then we went shopping. There is pretty much nothing American here so all the food in the store is different, but the food is alright. We have bread with like every meal and the bread is really good here. I have also had pasta too but empanadas in Salta was the best thing I had so far.

I know why they call it Salta La Linda now. It’s because everywhere else here is ugly haha, especially Buenos Aires. Alderetes is very poor and ugly too. There is trash everywhere and there is always a fire everywhere cuz people just burn their trash and leave the fire haha.

The people here are so cool and I love teaching our investigators! I already had a Baptism haha!! Her name is Cecilia and she is so awesome and her son and daughter have already been Baptized, and she just got married so the husband and other daughter are getting Baptized this Saturday, and the next, so I am way excited. They are a great family. The first day I got here me and my companion went downtown to drop off their papers and stuff to help them get married.

Baptism of Cecilia August 2, 2014

So the other night we went to teach a family that I haven’t met yet and at the end the father gave me a hug and then kissed me on the cheek.... I was shocked but didn’t say anything, and after we left the house I started crying haha, and my companion is like, are you ok, and I’m like dude, he just kissed me!!!! Ya they do that here so I’m gonna try and avoid that.

Our apartment is a lot nicer than the people’s houses here, and I’ll just leave it at that haha. So they don’t call it Spanish here, they call it Castellano and I always wondered why, but since I’ve gotten here I now understand. It’s because it’s not Spanish. I barely understand anything like I just sit there and am like whaaaaa? But I am getting better each and every day.

It has been a pretty good week but pretty scary. The first day we got on a bus and I’m hanging half way out the door and the dude starts driving. I’m like bro you are gonna kill me!!! They drive crazy here like it scares me to get into a taxi! Other than that it has been good.

The first couple days were very hard adjusting but I had a few things come to my mind! 1. 1 Nephi 3:7 -the Lord doesn’t give us anything that we can’t accomplish. I am having a hard time with the language and was wondering how in the world am I gonna do this, but the Spirit reminded me of that scripture. 2: Romans 5:3 - Bear your afflictions with patience. I also thought of Joseph Smith and everything that he went through. I thought a lot about this and it’s tough, but I know that I will adjust to living here and things will work out. And number 3, is the story of the starfish. I was thinking earlier this week, how am I gonna help all these people. I want to help them all but I know I can’t do that, so the story of the starfish helped me. There was a man walking on the beach one day at low tide and all the starfish were washed up on shore, and he was walking down the beach picking them up throwing them back in. Another man saw this and said that will never make a difference because there are so many, and as the man said this, the other man bent down again and picked up another starfish and threw it back in the water and said, it made a difference for that one. I may not be able to save everyone and help everyone here, but I know that the Lord has people out there for me that I can help make a difference. So faith, patience, and making a difference for that one, are the things I learned this week!

Oh ya we played soccer with the our district today and that was really fun. Other than that everything is great but crazy. Love you all and hope you have a good week, and I got pictures.

Elder Lester

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