Saturday, July 12, 2014

MTC Week 4: The Atonement has Increased My Capacity to Love

Hey guys!  Well I can’t believe its P-day again cuz it just felt like I had P-day yesterday!!  This week flew by!  Me and Elder Eliason have been teaching a bunch of lessons and we got a new investigator to teach and he is actually a real investigator!  His name is Alan and he is from New York!  We asked him what’s most important to him in life and he said chicas haha. He is a super cool guy but it’s hard to get him to talk cuz he had a rough life cuz his brother died and he doesn’t know his dad and a bunch of other stuff!  But we have been having a good time teaching him and getting to know him!

For the Sunday Devotional we had some dude who is like a famous piano player and when he was playing some songs for us I was wishing I had stuck with piano. Looks like Mom was right about that one haha!:) The Tuesday Devotional Elder Anderson came and spoke and that was cool. He talked about the Gift of the Holy Ghost and it was cool cuz he talked about how blessed we are to have a member of the Godhead with us at all times and I really liked that. It’s cool here cuz you feel the Spirit so much and the times you don’t feel it or don’t have it with you, then you kinda feel weird but it was a way good talk!

The rest of the week was just normal though. The Temple is still closed so we have a lot of free time. This morning we helped with a service project and that was fun even though it was at 6 in the morning haha. We just cleaned classrooms in the MTC.  

So Kolby are you a Cavalier’s fan now? I’m guessing you don’t like the heat anymore now that LeBron left, haha you bandwagon. I heard k-love might go to the cavs too and maybe Durant?? Ah dude I wish I could see them play. Now all the cavs fans have to go buy new jerseys cuz they burned them all when LeBron left haha. I’m surprised they have enough cap space for all those guys but if they get them that’s gonna be scary.

So Elder Romer, one of the other Elders in our district, was teaching a lesson the other day about the Restoration to a real investigator and tried to say José Smith pedio which is Joseph Smith asked, but he accidently said José Smith pedo, which is Joseph Smith farted, haha the investigator started cracking up and he didn’t know what he said until after so that is freakin hilarious!  Some other Elders were teaching the Restoration too and said Jesucristo ordeñar sus apostoles, which is Jesus milked his apostles, instead of saying Jesucristo ordenar sus apostoles, which is Jesus ordained his apostles. Hahahahaha, the investigators here are probably just thinking what the crap are these kids saying to me???!!!!

It definitely has been a fun week and I have 16 days left and then I’m off to Argentina!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they play in the world cup tomorrow but I don’t think they are gonna beat Germany sadly, but maybe!!

Haha it’s so funny, so Hunter emails me and is all like dude, I hope you are enjoying the MTC. The MTC is so awesome and the food is the best. And then Taylor emails me and is like duuuuuude the MTC sucked. Haha, and then Hunter sends me a picture of him cooking a burrito on his iron..... I got the best brothers ever haha!

Hey Mom, so I got a letter from Brother Hansen and I never have time on P-day to write him one back, but I will write him one back before I leave so let him know for me. Also don’t send me any packages when I’m in Argentina cuz apparently they are not letting any packages get sent down there and they open all up and that’s a lot of wasted money if you send one and it gets stolen. Also one of my suitcases is gonna be overweight cuz I have that heating blanket now and 10 pounds of books that I got here.

When I leave the MTC I get to call you guys when I’m at the airport for a couple hours. I don’t know the exact schedule yet for my flights and where my layover will be, but I know most Missionaries have a layover in Atlanta for a few hours and they get to talk to their family, so I get to call you guys in a couple weeks!!!!:) Oh and I wrote Juli and told her about that and said go over to the house when I call you guys so I can talk to her too, so hopefully she will.:) Mom I put you in charge of kidnapping her for a few hours that day when I call home so I can talk to her haha.

Other than that this week has been awesome!! For gym time everyday we play volleyball with one of the new districts and it is a blast! I haven’t gotten chosen to say a talk yet in Sacrament, which is a bummer, but maybe tomorrow. Sundays here are cool. I love Sacrament meeting cuz it kinda makes you feel like a normal person again haha, but it makes you miss home. After Sacrament the rest of Sunday we just have Zone Leader meetings which I think most of them are pointless cuz we talk about the same stuff in every one and it takes away from our personal study time which is a bummer. And all day Sunday after every meeting, the Branch Presidency feels the need to give us a braso. I’m sick and tired of hugging dudes haha cuz they want a hug like every five seconds. I’m just like dudes... a handshake is fine haha!

This past week during personal study I learned a whole bunch and one thing I really enjoyed studying was Forgiveness. I, and we, all need to forgive those who have wronged us and forgive those who have wronged those we love. Remember when Christ was on the cross and asked the Father to forgive the men that crucified Him. We all need to follow Christ’s example. Or the story in John 8:1-11, the women taken into adultery. We all sin but we all need to forgive and not judge because when we do so then we are denying the power of the Atonement in the life of others. Another thing I liked that I read in Jesus The Christ it said " The need of a Redeemer lies in the inability of men to raise himself from the temporal plane to the spiritual plane, from the lower kingdom to the higher." I really liked that because it really helped me to rely on the Atonement a lot this week because I have been trying to love more deeply and care more for others, and I have a really hard time doing that with people I don’t know. But this week I have noticed that the Atonement gives us the capacity to become better. I have noticed that is has increased my capacity to love more deeply which is a blessing cuz before I could have never done that.

Oh ya I almost forgot!!! So since me and Elder Eliason are Zone Leaders, we can give blessings to the people in our zone if they are sick or need comfort, and a Hermana asked for one because she had some allergic reaction in her eye and it got all swollen and we gave her a blessing and it was a cool experience this week. I felt bad for her cuz I know how much it sucks to have problems with your eyes, but she is all better now so that is good!:)

So Austin now has his license Kolby says, haha and Kolby is getting scuba certified?!!! When he told me that I was like yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Haha I’m so excited for him!!!!! Seriously it’s the coolest thing in the world besides the Gospel and mangos.

Ok there’s a lot more things than that but seriously its the best! Just don’t pee in your wetsuit... Well, I hope all is well at home!!  I miss you all and am praying for you all!  Mom I love you so much keep writing me Dear Elders cuz that is the best part of my day!!!!!!:) I hope your Sunday School lessons are going good and good luck on your talk tomorrow Brady! 

Elder Lester

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