Saturday, July 5, 2014

MTC Week 3: Studying Spanish and Teaching

Yo. So I got a haircut today and I don’t think the lady knew what she was doing.  It doesn’t look bad but it doesn’t look good, haha but its ok! 

Well my week was pretty good and it went by very fast! Thank you Mom Dad and Maggie for the packages. I received enough food that I could live through a zombie apocalypse for a year. Either that or it will just give me diabetes, haha but thank you. Oh and Dad, the MTC doesn’t allow perishable food to be sent here so I didn’t get the empanadas or hot dogs cuz they took those out, but I got everything else so thank you. I cried when I saw they took the empanadas... ok no I didn’t, but I was pretty bummed haha.

This week we have been teaching our investigators a lot more and it has been awesome! It’s funny cuz my companion knows quite a bit of Spanish but he never talks during our lessons so I always end up teaching most of it but I guess that’s ok cuz I think its fun!!:D

Kolby, because I love you I’m gonna offer you some advice. Drop out of Ms. Lilo’s English class!!!!! Having class with her was like dwelling in the realm of satan. Ask Austin, he knows, haha! But seriously, get out. So LeBron and melo, they might sign with the suns? I don’t know how I feel about that cuz melo is a ball hog and LeBron always cramps up and cries. No I’m just kidding haha, that would be sweet if we got them cuz we could finally win that championship, but I doubt they will come.

Braxley your letter was awesome!!!!! A whole two sentences haha! So how was the culdesac of fire? It was probably best that I wasn’t there so I don’t blow up another kid, haha. Ya that kids mom still probably hates me!

We had a devotional and watched 17 Miracles and then we got to watch the fireworks outside the stadium of fire! But we didn’t get to hear Carrie Underwood:( But it was a fun night!

We got a whole bunch of new missionaries in our Zone on Wednesday and they are all super cool!! I’m excited to be with them for the next few weeks! Ya dad, Elder Eliason knows Brother Quackenbush haha, but he knows everybody from Delta cuz only like 10 people live there haha!

How is work going Brinkley? How is Parley? I hope you and Cameron are doing good!:) I miss going over to your guys house and chillin.

Hey Mom, tell Sister Riley thank you for the card she gave me that was very nice.

To answer some more questions: I have gym everyday at 10:30 am, so I wake up, shower, and go to breakfast and class, and then to gym, and after gym I shower again, and go to lunch and eat the delicious food, and then I have more class, and then study time. And sometimes we have personal study time in the morning and I like that way better!!  


Our district got a new classroom and the A/C works haha, and they fixed the A/C in our residence hall so we keep it at a delicious 60 degrees!!  It is fantastic!

Brady how’s everything going? Dude, you have a computer haha, get on it and write me a dear elder or something!!

So Argentina is going to the semi finals!!!  We just got back from lunch and we were watching the game! Still not sure if that’s allowed, but whatever.

Sunday night for our devotional we watched the talk from Elder Bednar "Character of Christ." It was the best talk I have ever heard in my life!!! I want all of you to look it up and watch it or read it for personal study or family night or something, cuz I think we all can learn a thing or two from that talk.  It really was amazing!! So watch it.:)  Other than that not much else has been going on this week, just lots of studying and teaching and learning!

There is a little creek here on west campus and every time I walk by it I wanna jump in and swim! AHHHHHHH I miss the water haha!


So I discovered a new thing they serve here at the MTC cafeteria. It is a breakfast sandwich with an egg on it, but its not an egg. It’s like a yellow square that looks like SpongeBob. I just looked at it and was like, uhmmmm I’ll pass. But they have bagels thank goodness haha!

How is the backyard coming along Robert?

Thank you for all the dear elder letters you all have been sending me they are awesome!! And again thank you for all the packages!!!!!!! You guys just want me to get fat huh? Good luck!!!

Dad I really liked that story of the seminary teacher and the donuts that was really cool haha I cried. But that was a very neat story!

I’m glad to hear everyone is doing ok and working hard! The Temple is closed for the next couple weeks so we have a lot of extra time on pday but we have just been studying Spanish! 

Ok so I have pictures!!!!!!!:D

Well I love you all and hope you are all doing awesome!!! Talk to ya next week!

Hey Mom!!!! I love you tons!!!!:)


Elder Lester

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